
  1. Calibre2opds 4
  2. Calibre Cloud Library
  3. Calibre2opds Onedrive

Calibre2opds has now been upgraded to detect such mismatches in case between the Calibre metadata database and the underlying file system. This is handled at two levels: The first level is to write warning messages to the calibre2opds log. The user can then peruse the log and use the Calibre program to correct such mismatches. Calibre2Opds Setup. Other than Calibre, you’ll need the Calibre2Opds program. This is a Java program, but we’re not really concerned about that other than making sure you have Java installed (also needed for Ant). I am not going to teach you how to use Calibre2Opds. For that, please go to their website and read the documentation.

Calibre2opds 4


Download latest version here
Soon here


This application installs the latest version of COPS and set the library path to /shares/Public.
On your PC, you should map the Public share (e.g. via SMB or NFS) and configure Calibre to store its database at the root of this network drive.

Calibre Cloud Library


This package is still experimental and may not work properly. Feel free to contribute.

Change library path

To change the library path you currently need to SSH and change /var/www/cops/config_local.php (which is a symlink to /shares/Volume_1/Nas_Prog/cops/web/config_local.php).
You may use the following command:


Calibre2opds Onedrive

Change the library path, CTRL-O to save, CTRL-X to quit.