Rather than reinstalling vim you can move your current vim to vim73 (or something similar). First check if /usr/local/bin is present in PATH environment variable. Doing echo $PATH on your terminal should do that. Install vim with homebrew if you haven't already. Brew update brew remove List: brew list. Brew search brew search Installed. Homebrew installs stuff to the Cellar /usr/local/Cellar. MacDown - Markdown Editor brew update brew cask install macdown To uninstall. Brew cask uninstall macdown Vim and MacVim brew update brew install vim && brew.
Dance with the Yaks
Also should point out for testing purposes, rather than waiting around for a vim update, you can substitute brew upgrade -all for brew uninstall vim and brew install vim. Copy link Quote reply qtfkwk commented Jun 2, 2016. Brew install vim won’t work. Brew tells you that Apple distributes vim with OS X, you can find it in /usr/bin. Ok, that is a very dumb answer. Maybe brew itself is outdated? Try a brew update/upgrade and see if things get better. Brew complains that your Xcode install is 4.2.1 and you need at least 4.3 to go any further.
Let us do something useful tonight: Go 1.0 was just released, why not give it a try?
Finding something called go on Google is of course a tad difficult. The magic URL you want is http://go-lang.org. Good news everyone: they have packages for OSX! Thinking that running it directly from your Mac Desktop would be more comfortable, you download the pkg file and double-click it to install.
- Open terminal
- vim hello.go
- type in your hello world program
Something is wrong here: no vim syntax highlighting. No way you are going to use a modern editor without syntax highlighting. Ok, this is a new language and vim is probably outdated so update vim.
brew install vim won’t work. Brew tells you that Apple distributes vim with OS X, you can find it in /usr/bin. Ok, that is a very dumb answer. Maybe brew itself is outdated? Try a brew update/upgrade and see if things get better. Nope. Brew complains that your Xcode install is 4.2.1 and you need at least 4.3 to go any further. You already spent a whole evening installing Xcode less than a month ago but now you really want to get the latest and greatest, and you completely trust Apple. What could possibly go wrong?
Ubuntu Update Vim
Sigh. How do you upgrade Xcode? Launching it and browsing through menus does not bring anything. Quick Google search reveals you have to go through the App Store. Let me ponder that cause it bears repeating:
Cool down. Click Install, log in with your Apple ID. Now where in hell did you put that ID? Forgot password? Send e-mail, open e-mail, change password, login again — 10 minutes.
Select Xcode in the apps, click Yeah, accept a zillion-page EULA, sign with your blood, and… nothing. Just a grey button saying Installation. At first you do not dare click the only element of user interface you have on screen by fear of unwillingly requesting multiple installations, but after a few minutes nothing moves so you click… but the button stays put. So you click again, and again, and end up on the Apple forums to see if anybody had the same issue.
Oh yeah: Xcode is installing Ok, you just did not notice the snail-paced progress bar in the tiny icon on your (hidden) dock. Judging from the current speed you still have 2-3 hours before Xcode finishes upgrading.
Ok, forget OSX. The damn thing is built around iTunes anyway, trying to do any development on this thing is bound to deliver endless frustrations, no need to loose more time on that topic.
Start up a distant Linux desktop, connect through VNC. Find out that VNC server and your local client have gone out of sync. Update/Upgrade your Linux box (30 packages) and find out that some GPG package keys are obsolete. Spend another couple of minutes trying to fix this, then finally update/upgrade your box. Log in through ssh/VLC.
Start up a web browser to download Go again. Find out that the default web browser likes to start an archive manager once a tgz has been downloaded. That is cool except for one thing: you never used this package manager before so you end up garbling unknown directories and downloading the same file over and over again.
Don’t loose your nerves, you are almost there. Quite.
Time to su, install go to /usr/local. Finally! A quick modification of your PATH and you are ready to explore a new language. Again:
- vim hello.go
… but still no syntax hilighting. This time hunt for vim syntax support, and find out that go distributes vim config files with the main tarfile. Should have started with that but the later it gets the less you can think clearly. Copy those files to your .vim/ directory and lo and behold: you have your very first syntax-hilighted go hello world in front of you. Cool!
2 hours so far. And Xcode is still merrily downloading away.
Time to run your first go program:
% go run hello.go
Hello, world
Impressive. Now try to compile it:
Burro genius.
% go build hello.go
% ./hello
Hello, world
Beautiful! Just curious: how big would this be?
% ls -l hello
-rwxr-xr-x 1271748 Mar 29 22:52 hello*
1.3 megs.
Yeah, you know what? I think I’ll read a book tonight. Old-fashioned dead tree does not require much more than sit and read.
Vim is available for many different systems and there are several versions.This page will help you decide what to download.Most popular:MS-Windows: | Click this link to download the self-installing executable(using ftp). Signed MS-Windows files are available on thevim-win32-installer site(gvim_8.2.0012_x86_signed.exe is recommended) |
Unix: | See the GitHub page, or Mercurial, if you prefer that.There is also anAppimagewhich is build daily and runs on many Linux systems. |
Mac: | See the MacVim project for a GUI version and Homebrew for a terminal version |
Details and options for:
Mirrors | Alternative sites to download Vim files from. |
Sources | Build Vim yourself and/or make changes. |
GitHub | Obtain Vim sources with a git client (recommended). |
Mercurial | Obtain Vim sources with a Mercurial client(recommended if you don't like git). |
Patches | Include the latest improvements (requires sources and rebuilding). |
Runtime | Get the latest syntax files, documentation, etc. |
Script links | Links to individual syntax, indent, color, compiler and ftplugin scripts. |
Translations | Non-English documentation packages. |
Versions before 7.3 can also be obtained withSubversionandCVS.Vim 8.2 is the latest stable version. It is highly recommended, many bugs have been fixed since previous versions.If you have a problem with it (e.g.,when it's too big for your system), you could try version 6.4 or 5.8 instead.
To avoid having to update this page for every new version, there arelinks to the directories. From there select the files you want to download.In the file names ## stands for the version number. For example,vim##src.zipwith version 8.2 is vim82src.zip andvim-##-src.tar.gz for version 8.2is vim-8.2-src.tar.gz.Links are provided for quick access to the latest version.
Note that the links point to the latest version (currently 8.2) to avoidthat caching causes you to get an older version.
You need to download at the sources and the runtime files.And apply all the latest patches.For Vim 6 up to 7.2 you can optionally get the 'lang' archive, which adds translated messages and menus. For 7.3 and later this is included with the runtime files.
The explanations are on the GitHub page.
The explanations are on this page:Mercurial
The runtime and source files together: | vim-##.tar.bz2 | vim-8.2.tar.bz2 (ftp) |
The single big file ending in '.tar.bz2' is a tar archive compressed withbzip2. Uncompress and unpack it withbunzip2 -c filename | tar -xf -.
Brew Update Vimeo
All archives should be unpacked in the same directory.
If you can't compile yourself or don't want to, look at the site of thesupplier of your Unix version for a packaged Vim executable. For Linuxdistributions and FreeBSD these are often available shortly after a new Vimversion has been released. But you can't change the features then.
- Debian packages are available at:http://packages.debian.org/vim.
- Sun Solaris Vim is included in the Companion Software:http://wwws.sun.com/software/solaris/freeware/.
Vim for other Sun systems can be found athttp://sunfreeware.com/. - HPUX with GTK GUI for various HPUX versions:http://hpux.its.tudelft.nl/hppd/hpux/Editors/vim-6.2/ orhttp://hpux.connect.org.uk/hppd/hpux/Editors/vim-6.2/ (note that the remark about the GNU GPL is wrong)
gvim82.exe (ftp)
It includes GUI and console versions, for 32 bit and 64 bit systems.You can select what you want to install and includes an uninstaller.
If you want a signed version you can get a build from
It supports many interfaces, such as Perl, Tcl, Lua, Python and Ruby.There are also 64bit versions which only run on 64 bit MS-Windows and use alot more memory, but is compatible with 64 bit plugins.
You can also get a nightly build from there with the most recent improvements,with a small risk that something is broken.
Since there are so many different versions of MS operating systems, there areseveral versions of Vim for them.
For Vim 5.x, Vim 6.x and Vim 7 look inthe pc directory (ftp).
- Self-installing executable gvim##.exe gvim82.exe (ftp)
- For Vim 6 and later. This includes a GUI versionof Vim - with many features and OLE support - and all the runtime files.It works well on MS-Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP/Vista/7.Use this if you have enough disk space and memory. It's the simplest way tostart using Vim on the PC. The installer allows you to skip the parts youdon't want.
For Vim 6.3 and later it also includes a console version, both for MS-Windows 95/98/ME and MS-Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista/7. The installer automatically selects the right one.
- Runtime files vim##rt.zip vim82rt.zip (ftp)
- For all the following binary versions you need this runtime archive, whichincludes the documentation, syntax files, etc. Always get this, unless youuse the self-installing executable.
There are three versions that run as an MS-Windows application. These providemenus, scrollbars and a toolbar.
- GUI executable gvim##.zip gvim82.zip (ftp)
- This is the 'normal' GUI version.
- OLE GUI executable gvim##ole.zip gvim82ole.zip (ftp)
- A GUI version with OLE support. This offers a few extra features,such as integration with Visual Developer Studio. But it uses quite a bitmore memory.
- Win32 console executable vim##w32.zip vim82w32.zip (ftp)
- The Win32 console version works well on MS-Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista/7. It supports long file names and is compiled with 'big' features. It does not runperfectly well on MS-Windows 95/98/ME, especially when resizing the consolewindow (this may crash MS-Windows..).
- 32 bit DOS executable vim##d32.zip vim73_46d32.zip (ftp)
- The 32 bit DOS version works well on MS-Windows 95/98/ME. It requires a DPMImanager, which needs to be installed on MS-DOS. MS-Windows already has one.It supports long file names, but NOT on MS-Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista/7. It is compiled with 'big' features.
Not available for 7.4 and later. - 16 bit DOS executable vim##d16.zip vim71d16.zip (ftp)
- The 16 bit DOS version is the only one that runs on old MS-DOS systems. Onlyuse this if you are really desparate, because it excludes many useful features(such as syntax highlighting and long file names) and quickly runs out ofmemory.
The last version available is 7.1. Version 7.2 and later are too big to fit in the DOS memory model.
- iconv librarylibiconv
- A library used for converting character sets.Put 'iconv.dll' in the same directory as gvim.exe to be able to edit files inmany encodings. You can find the dll file in the bin directory of the'libiconv-win32' archive.
- newer intl librarylibintl
- The included libintl.dll does not support encoding conversion.If you have installed the iconv library, as mentioned above, you can install agettext library that uses it.Get 'intl.dll' from the bin directory in the gettext-win32 archive and store itas 'libintl.dll' in the same directory as gvim.exe, overwriting the filethat may already be there.
- PC sources vim##src.zip vim82src.zip (ftp)
- The source files, packed for the PC. This only includes the files needed onthe PC, not for other systems. The files are in dos format CR-LF.
- PC debug files gvim##.pdb gvim82.pdb (ftp) gvim##ole.pdb gvim82ole.pdb (ftp) vim##w32.pdb vim80w32.pdb (ftp)
- When you notice a bug or a crash in Vim these files can be used to help tracing down the problem. In Vim 7 do ':help debug-win32' to see how.
- PC translations vim##lang.zip vim72lang.zip (ftp)
- Only for 7.2 and earlier, for 7.3 and later these are included in the 'rt' archive.Translated messages and menu files, packed for the PC. Use this to seenon-English menus. The messages are only translated when the libintl.dlllibrary is installed.
- Windows 3.1 GUI executable gvim##w16.zip and gvim##m16.zip
- These are GUI versions for 16 bit windows (Windows 3.1). The 'w16' has manyfeatures, 'm16' has few features (for when you're short on memory).
Dragon ball xenoverse cheats pc. Alternate distributions
- Yongwei's build
- You may also try Yongwei's build,executables with slightly different interfaces supported.
- Cream
- For an unofficial version that used to include all the latest patches andoptionally a bitmore: Cream.The 'one-click installer' mentioned includes the Cream changes.For the 'real Vim' use the 'without Cream' version listed further down.
Unfortunately, it stopped updating since Vim 8.0.
- Cygwin
- For a Cygwin binary look at others.
For Vim 5.x and Vim 6 look inthe amiga directory (ftp).
Vim 7 files can be found atos4depot.net. This is for AmigaOS 4. Made by Peter Bengtsson.
- Runtime files vim##rt.tgz vim64rt.tgz (ftp)
- Documentation, syntax files, etc. You always need this.
- Executable vim##bin.tgz vim64bin.tgz (ftp)
- The executables for Vim and Xxd.For Vim 6 it includes 'big' features, for Vim 5.x itincludes the normal features.For Vim 6.2 it is not available (my Amiga had harddisk problems then, this miraculously healed later).
- Big executable vim##big.tgz
- Vim with 'big' features and Xxd. Only for Vim 5.x.
- Sources vim##src.tgz vim64src.tgz (ftp)
- The source files for the Amiga.Only needed when you want to compile Vim yourself.
For Vim 5.x and Vim 6 look inthe os2 directory (ftp).Version 6.2 is not available.Versions 6.3 and 6.4 were compiled by David Sanders.
Version 7.0 was compiled by David Sanders.
- Runtime files vim##rt.zip vim70rt.zip (ftp)
- Documentation, syntax files, etc. You always need this.
- Executables vim##os2.zip vim70os2.zip (ftp)
- Vim, Xxd, Tee and EMX libraries.
Linux Update Vim
If you want to compile the OS/2 version, you need the EMX compiler. Use theUnix source archive, runtime files and the extra archive. After unpacking theruntime archive, move all the files and directories in the 'runtime'directory one level up.
The terminal version of Vim is included as 'vi', you already have it. It'slagging behind a bit though and has limited features, thus you may want toadditionally install a recent version or one with more features.MacVim
There most popular version is MacVim. This is being actively developed. Thisbehaves like a Mac application, using a GUI.MacVim has more a Mac look and feel, is developed actively and most peopleprefer this version. Most of MacVim was made by Björn Winckler.
Brew Update Vim
Vietnamese keyboard online. MacVim can be downloaded here: https://github.com/macvim-dev/macvim
New versions are made quite often.Subscribe to thevim-mac maillistto be informed about bugs and updates.
This is a terminal version installed with the 'brew' command.It is updated frequently.It can be downloaded here: formulae.brew.sh/formula/vim.Older
Older binaries for Mac OS/X can be found on thisSourceForge project.Maintained by Nicholas Stallard.
Here is a multi-byte version of Vim 5.7 (for Japanese, possibly also forKorean and Chinese; not for Unicode):
Most of the work forthe Macintosh port (Classic and Carbon) was done by Dany St-Amant.
If you have OSX and a setup for compiling programs, you can use the source codeand compile yourself. See the Unix section above. The development tools can bedownloaded from Apple's developer web site.
Turn to the vim-mac maillist to meet otherVim-Mac users.
This is a list of links to sites where various versions of Vim can be obtained.These are supported by individuals, use at your own risk.Android | Search for 'Vim Touch' by Momodalo in the Play Store. |
i/OS | Run Vim on your iPhone or Ipad. |
QNX (ftp) | Provided by Yakov Zaytsev. Requires QNX 6.3.0/6.3.2 with service pack 2. |
Agenda | http://pi7.fernuni-hagen.de/hartrumpf/agenda/vim/vim.vr3 |
Cygwin (with GTK GUI) | http://lassauge.free.fr/cygwin/ |
Open VMS | http://www.polarhome.com/vim/ |
MorphOS | http://www.akcaagac.com/index_vim.html |